I can't believe its June already, I know I seem to say that every month, but time really does seem to be flying by. We got back from Mexico 2 weeks ago and its been go go go ever since.
On May 20th, we attended the wedding of one of Hubs good friends. It was held at one of our local golf courses. The ceremony and reception was decorated with chocolate brown and light pink as their colors, and bursts of cherry blossoms here and there. The bride's dress was gorgeous and they all carried pink daisy bouquets. Due to rain and a chill in the air, the ceremony had to be moved inside the clubhouse, but other then that the day went flawless. The food was delicious (based on wedding standards) and there was dessert and candy galor. A couple days after the wedding the happy couple were off to their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Hubs and I ended up making an unexpected trip up Island last week due to Hubs grandfather being quite ill. We spent 3 days with his family and grandfather (they sent him home Monday under palliative care). As sick as he is, he had a great spirit while we were visiting.
On May 26th, Hubs best friend growing up, had a baby girl named Mila. We were all a little suprised when she weighed in at a little over 8lbs. She is happy and healthy and we're hoping we get to meet her today.
We finally started working on our front garden. It's been the bain of our existance since we moved into our new home. Having done so many other reno's inside, traveling and working, we just haven't had the time to work on it until now. I came home from work earlier this week and found Hubs started the garden demolition project. He dug out all the grass, weeds and plants we no longer wanted and trimmed the tree and shrubs we wanted to keep. We ended up on a quick trip to the local nursery and picked up garden trim, bark mulch and a couple of brightly colored Dahlia plants. Our garden was so large, we cut the size of it in half, and its still quite big. We started by spreading out some fresh soil and replanting a shrub, an astromeria, 2 rose bushes and a hydrangea. I bought some landscaping mesh last year on sale, and we used it around the plants to help prevent the growth of more weeds (or at least lessen the amount of weeding we need to do this year). We spread a little bonemeal around the plants and topped it with more soil and a bunch of bark mulch. The garden looks so much better, and makes our yard not look like its been neglected I'll be sure to post some pictures soon.
Coming up later in the month is my step daughter's birthday (She is going to be 6), my birthday, and I'll be heading home for 10 days to visit family and for my brother's high school graduation.
Next month, Hubs and I will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary.
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