I found this blog challenge over at Mommy Musings blog and thought I would give it a try. Feel free to take part in the challenge.
Day 1 is 10 Secrets:
{one} I had my wisdom teeth taken out a a couple days before Christmas break during my grade 12 year of high school. This had to of been the worst timing ever, I spent my first few days of Christmas break getting better.
{two} Whenever I'm out shopping and I pass by a baby section I always stop and have a quick look. Sometimes I'll pick something up if its absolutely adorable and a deal I couldn't pass up.
{three} I'm not really 5'1', I'm actually 5'0.5' but refuse to agree with my Dr. That extra half inch makes a difference.
{four} I'm horrible at keeping secrets. If it involves Hub's I want to tell him as soon as I can.
{five} I love facebook stalking my friends facebook pages. I reconnected with friends I knew back in junior high and everyso often I will check out their facebook pics to see whats new in their lives. Don't worry, I don't do it every second of everyday and I am friends with these people on facebook.
{six} I HATE cleaning the bathroom, just hate it, give me any other chore or job to do and I'm fine with it.
{seven} I love staying home. Don't get me wrong, I love going out and and seeing/doing things but nothing beats coming home and getting in my PJ's and cozying up with Hubs in a blanket especially in the winter.
{eight} I hate most seafood even though I grew up by the Ocean.
{nine} The Bachelor/Bachelorette is one of my favorite shows, along with Desperate houswives and Grey's Anatomy.
{ten} I've never gotten in trouble with the law, heck I don't recall ever getting in trouble in school
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