Not only am I flying home after a busy week visiting family, its my 25th Birthday today!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tonight is my sister's prom night!! I can't wait to see her all dressed up having one last night of fun with all her friends from high school. Prom is one of those life events that every girl dreams about, aside from getting married.
I went to my prom, had a great time and am so glad I went. Initially, I didn't want to go to prom. All I could think about was the expense of the dress, the tickets, the hair, the beauty, etc, etc and I only had a few close friends. Wanna know what changed my mind? The prom dress!! I was out and about with my dad, and we stopped in at the Sears Outlet. I stumbled across some formal dresses and fell in love with a navy blue one and just had to have it (It was maked down from $250 to $27 and there was nothing wrong with it). My answer to getting this dress of course was to go to prom. I lucked in, that I still had a couple days to buy a ticket and get the discount price, my hair was done by a family friend and I won a contest to get my makeup done. All in all, I think I spent $50 on my whole prom look.
I can't remember exactly our prom theme, but I believe it was something to do with Stars and Paris. It was a safe grad, meaning there was no alcohol and we stayed the whole night. If you left you couldn't get back in. There was a vido dance, monte carlo, an auction, a buffet supper and midnight dessert buffet along with a morning breakfast. It was a great night and I'm so glad my dress inspired me to go.
Flashback to my prom!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Up, up and Away....
Later today I'm flying home for the week to Nova Scotia for my sister's high school graduation. I can't believe my baby sister is graduating. I feel like I just graduated high school, which some might argue I have considering I graduated in 2004. I can't wait to spend the week with my family and try to fit in time to visit with friends I haven't seen in a while, especially Norma, a University friend, who's bought a house and had a baby since I've last seen her.
This week will mostly consist of pre-written posts but I will try to post if I get a chance to. If not I will post when I get back home.
This week will mostly consist of pre-written posts but I will try to post if I get a chance to. If not I will post when I get back home.
Halifax Bound Today!
I'm off to visit my family today for the week. Going to miss Hub's :( but excited to see my family.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Job News.....
We finally got the outcome of our jobs yesterday, and fortunately I was one of the 7 who is keeping their job and becoming permanent full time. I'm so relieved to finally know I have a job and not have to worry about job hunting.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A few updates
Time is definitly passing by quick, its been a few days since I've last posted. Not too much is new, hence the reason why I haven't posted. I worked 7 days straight, mon-sun and now enjoying my 2 days off. We still haven't heard anything at work with regards to whether or not I'm keeping my job. It was supposed to be posted by the 10th, then they came around and said they hope by sometime this week. I'm just getting frustrated with not knowing. I mean, I don't really want to go on EI, sure it would be nice but grrrr its such a hassle. On a positive note though, it would get me out of working in the food industry. I guess I wish my job would have been around for another month or so then ended but I can't have everything.
In more happier news I'm going to my friends baby shower this Thurs night! I've already bought her gift which I found at a great little consignment/new baby stuff store called Kiddin Around. It's a great store being that there's the mix of new items and awesome used items (all the used items are name brand and look practically brand new) at dirt cheap prices. I ended up getting my friend an adorable newborn hat, 4 pair of baby socks, a couple onesie's (with an ocean theme), peepee teepee's, no scratch mittens, and a couple other outfts. I also picked up a couple items to add to our baby box. I found an adorable sleeper with an open bottom thats 100% organic cotton and made in Canada (its completely gender neutral which is one of the rules Hub's has for me buying stuff so early), I also picked up a Canucks onesie and a couple pairs of Rumbo Canucks slipper shoes. Another amazing deal I picked up on was BornFree bottles. They came in a set of 3 BPA free plastic bottles and a sippy cup for $13 from the original price of $55. I picked up 2 sets of them because who can beat that deal and even if we do breastfeed we can always pass them along or use them in someway or another.
Next wed, I head back home to visit my family and see my sister graduate!
In more happier news I'm going to my friends baby shower this Thurs night! I've already bought her gift which I found at a great little consignment/new baby stuff store called Kiddin Around. It's a great store being that there's the mix of new items and awesome used items (all the used items are name brand and look practically brand new) at dirt cheap prices. I ended up getting my friend an adorable newborn hat, 4 pair of baby socks, a couple onesie's (with an ocean theme), peepee teepee's, no scratch mittens, and a couple other outfts. I also picked up a couple items to add to our baby box. I found an adorable sleeper with an open bottom thats 100% organic cotton and made in Canada (its completely gender neutral which is one of the rules Hub's has for me buying stuff so early), I also picked up a Canucks onesie and a couple pairs of Rumbo Canucks slipper shoes. Another amazing deal I picked up on was BornFree bottles. They came in a set of 3 BPA free plastic bottles and a sippy cup for $13 from the original price of $55. I picked up 2 sets of them because who can beat that deal and even if we do breastfeed we can always pass them along or use them in someway or another.
Next wed, I head back home to visit my family and see my sister graduate!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Day 7- Four Books

4 of my favorite books are:
{one} Anne of Green Gables Series
{two} Twilight Saga
{three} Hatchet
{four} Babysitter Club Book Series
I know a couple of these are for younger readers but they are the series I read completely and loved. I still read quite often but don't find books capture me like they did when I was younger
Monday, June 6, 2011
Love it!
I just figured out how to write a blog post and schedule when it will be posted. I'm so excited, because I will be away for a week at the end of the month and now I can pre-write a few posts and they will be automatically posted in case I don't have time to post. Any other secrets you have learned about blogger?
Day 6- Five Foods

5 of my favorite foods are:
{one} Pizza
{two} Alfredo Pasta
{three} Mac & Cheese (The way Hubs makes it)
{four} Anything made with chocolate (yummy!!)
{five} Caesar Salad
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Day 5- Six places

I'm going to name 6 places I've been to:
{one} Germany
{two} Cancun, Mexico (Mayan Riviera)
{three} Halifax, NS, Canada
{four} Victoria, BC, Canada
{five} Alberta, Canada
{six} Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, June 4, 2011
What is that bright shiny object in the sky???
The patio set Hub's bought me couldn't have come at a more perfect time. The sun has finally decided to show itself here and grace us with some much needed summertime heat and temperaures over 20oC. We have had the odd day of sun here lately but nothing that makes it feel like summer. I can't wait too get the BBQ going and sit out with a good book in the fresh air.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Day 4- Seven Wants

{one} To add a second floor to our house
{two} Reno our kitchen
{three} Win the lottery
{four} Have a baby
{five} A second car
{six} My best friend to come visit again
{seven} Sunshine and warm weather
What do you want?
Thursday, June 2, 2011
New patio set!!
Yesterday my Hubs friend came over to fix our main bathroom sink pipe (more to come on that later) and so off Hub's and his friend went to get plumbing parts. When they came back Hub's said he had a suprise for me. While Hubs and his friend where out, he bought me a new patio set for our deck. I was so excited, I had been wanting a patio set forever but with renting you never know where you will end up next. It's the perfect set! Below is the store's flyer pic of the set, but once I find an umbrella I will get a real pic of it and post for everyone.
Day 3- Eight Fears

{one} Not finding a new job if I lose my current one
{two} Getting older (this is only a slight fear, I'm turning 25 at the end of the month and it kinda feels like a milestone age)
{three} Being alone
{four} Being broken into
{five} Car accidents, I don't worry about myself on the road, but all the other crazy drivers
{six} The end of the world
{seven} A natural disaster hitting (its scary enough witnessing them elsewhere)
{eight} Dying
What fears do you have?
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